11:23 PM | Posted in

After cheat exp adventure quest, today, you get cheat money adventure quest 2. How to use cheat money adventure quest 2 :

If you are at low level (5 to 15), get 500 gold by fighting and buy a pet named Truffle. This pet does major damage and kills people (things) quickly, and thus gets money faster. If at a higher level, fight monsters until you find a overgrown bee that will threaten you and leave. Choose to follow it. Invade the hive and you will get about 40,000 gold

To get easy experience and money with a for low level player, do the training repeatedly.Go to event and skip through Warlic’s speech. Select “Multiquest” then go to Stonerule Monolith. You will meet the Grim Reaper and he will make you fight a lot of undead. If you find the Draken Undead Dragon and defeat it, you will get 500 experience points and 300 gold. All of the undead there give good experience points and gold, but this one gives the most but it is rare. Note: You can get four HP potions from the bag when you first meet the Grim Reaper. To get 1,000 free gold, simply confirm your email addresswhen you receive the registration email from Artix. Your character will start with 1,250 gold instead of 250 gold



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